“Document, Don’t Create.” -Part 1

Anthony N. Carrillo
Chicago Edge


Good advice to follow

Dear Reader,

Hello, Hola, Tere, Wilkommen, Bienvenue…

Well, it has been a bit of a journey. I have tried to be focused on computers, entrepreneurship, Global Strategy, E-residency, business, social media, internet technology, and the 4th Industrial Revolution. This article was initially written for a class project that I was once in, all the way back in 2017. I find it difficult to believe so much time has passed and so many goals are still on the to-do list.

I wrote this article to talk about a strategy that I have used in the past and will use again as I refocus my efforts. And it leads back to a quote that I have heard for years now...

“You should be putting out content on a very regular basis.

You should start a pillar show.

You should be doing Instagram stories and Snapchat stories at scale.

You should be putting out 7–25 pieces of content on both of those platforms a day.

And let me explain how.

Don’t go fancy. Document, don’t create. It’s a big shift.”
~Gary V.

I find this quote very interesting because he gives a quick overview of what someone should be doing. And while 7–25 pieces sound like a lot, everything you do on a journey can add up after a while. The truth is, so many people only pay attention once someone has earned some notoriety and most people never see the actual beginning. The unappreciated aspects of the journey need to be conveyed by documenting them. So that achievements in the early days of success can be known where anyone can learn and begin for themselves.

Compare your creations to reality TV, not a drama or epic. Don’t let how polished his content is, deter you because if you look up GaryVee on Youtube and go back to pre 2016 or so you will find a businessman who is trying to document his journey. He has now created a vast display of options to watch whether original films, shorts, speeches, Biz meetings, tea with, weeklyVee, AskGaryVee show, and whatever is in between in the uploads.

But to make it easier I have reached back to show you some unpolished gems from when he started. He had his mom film him in 2009 about how to scale online and that effort matters. Here is a very old clip of him just talking back in 2013 to a camera on a tripod I assume. His first #askGaryVeeShow is just about utility. And finally with the understanding that you, like me, feel shame about posting online about yourself, whatever the reason, here is a speech to stop that. Notice the changes as time goes on. And know that YOU can make the same progress.

As Gary Vaynerchuk said, “Document, don’t create.” So in trying to document my journey and take action. I decided to list his bullet points and what I can do to achieve that.

1: Practice what I know or want to know

2: Document the journey; show how you started

3: Legacy matters; help others by showing

4: Documenting is creating; thoughts, interviews, ideas, platforms

This also includes not seeking perfection. Documenting is like taking photos on a trip where you can look back and remember the process. Focusing on inspiration helps to create naturally. That way, it doesn’t feel fake or forced. Everything feels incomplete initially, but afterward, it feels like it was necessary. Inspiration is the ignition to documenting, and that helps the creative process.

So here I am doing just that, documenting/creating. I have been on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, and Medium (obviously). Now I want to be in Blockchain, namely Mirror.xyz. That looks like the place to be. Although maybe even Steemit, publix0x, and read.cash. Or perhaps even a podcast.

I may update as time goes on. And good luck on your journey.



Anthony N. Carrillo
Chicago Edge

I’m a curious person who always seems to stumble across something new.